Hjælp til dig til at lykkes med at lave fyldte chokolader


CHOCOLATE BARS (engelsk version)

150,00 kr.
29 anmeldelser
Varenummer: 004


Hjemmelavede chokoladebarer på højde med dem fra professionelle chocolatiers

Umiddelbart efter dit køb modtager du en e-mail med et link til download af e-bogen CHOCOLATE BARS.

Denne e-bog guider dig gennem processen med at skabe de lækreste hjemmelavede chokoladebarer, der smager endnu bedre end dem, du kan købe i butikkerne. De detaljerede og letforståelige opskrifter sikrer, at selv nybegyndere inden for fyldte chokolader kan kan lykkes med opskrifterne.

Med en holdbarhed på mindst 45 dage skal du ikke bekymre dig om at få spist dine chokoladebarer inden for få dage. Men måske giver det helt sig selv, for chokoladebarerne har det med at forsvinde ganske hurtigt helt af sig selv 😀

CHOCOLATE BARS indeholder anvisninger til design og opskrifter på fyld til fem forskellige chokoladebarer: 

• Snickers

• Lion

• Bounty

• Mars

• Twix

Opbevaret ved 16-18 grader eller køligere, vil chokoladebarerne have en holdbarhed på mindst 45 dage.

Vær opmærksom på, at jeg naturligvis ikke har adgang til de originale opskrifter for disse fem barer, så jeg har skabt mine egne versioner inspireret af deres smag og tekstur. Mine opskrifter indeholder kvalitetsingredienser, som Callebaut chokolade og frisk piskefløde, hvilket er med til at forbedre smagen i forhold til den, du oplever i masseproducerede supermarkedsbarer. Selvom mine barer ikke vil smage præcis som dem, du kan købe i butikkerne, er jeg sikker på, at du ikke vil blive skuffet over forskellen 😀

Denne anden udgave af e-bogen er forbedret på flere punkter:

• Jeg har væsentligt revideret karamelopskrifterne, så det er lettere for dig at skabe helt perfekte karamelfyld.

• Ingredienser og procedurer for hvert lag i chokoladebarer med flere lag er nu grupperet sammen, så du slipper for at bladre frem og tilbage.

• Endnu mere detaljerede instruktioner og praktiske tips sikrer, at du er fuldstændigt tryg gennem hele processen - lige fra spørgsmål om en eventuelt ”skilt” karamel til optimering af teksturen på fransk nougat.

• Jeg har opdateret billederne, så standarden af disse stemmer overens med mine nuværende standarder for chokoladefotografering.

E-bogen CHOCOLATE BARS indeholder detaljerede instruktioner til, hvordan du dekorerer de fem klassiske chokoladebarer med farvet kakaosmør og indeholder grundig vejledning i tilberedningen af fyld til chokoladebarerne. E-bogen indeholder ikke instruktioner til temperering af farvet kakaosmør og chokolade. Du kan dog finde omfattende tempereringsvejledninger i min tidligere e-bog, CHOCOLATE BONBONS - a practical guide, eller finde en helt enkel tempereringsguide på Chokoladebloggen.


Denne e-bog er din guide til at skabe hjemmelavede chokoladebarer, der smager endnu bedre end dem, du finder i butikkerne. Opskrifterne er lette at følge, så du nemt kan lave lækre chokoladebarer med en holdbarhed på mindst 45 dage.

Jeg har kombineret mange års chokoladeerfaring med omhyggelig udvikling og testning for at skabe den bedste version af fem klassiske chokoladebarer. De detaljerede og letforståelige opskrifter sikrer, at du får succes – uanset dit erfaringsniveau.

Og bare for en sikkerheds skyld: Hvis du af en eller anden grund ikke elsker CHOCOLATE BARS, skal du blot kontakte mig inden for 7 dage, så refunderer jeg dine penge – uden spørgsmål.

Jeg er sikker på, at denne e-bog vil løfte dine chokoladebarer til nye højder, og jeg glæder mig til at se dine resultater!


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Baseret på 29 anmeldelser
14. dec. 2024

Chocolate bar
I recently bought the Chocolate Bars book, and it's been perfect for a beginner like me! The instructions are clear, easy to follow, and the recipes are so approachable. I love how it breaks down the process step by step, making it less intimidating to try something new. Highly recommend it to anyone starting their chocolate-making journey!
12. dec. 2024

Gitte Desdorf
Chokolade Bar
gode opskrifter og smager lækkert
11. dec. 2024

Great book to create delicious Chocolate Bars, really a book to have if you like Chocolate making.
10. dec. 2024

Great book!
Love the recipes and more importantly, know the average shelf life! Thanks Tine!
1. sep. 2024

I really want to thank you for this E book , I made the coconut one , it was super , I will make all and I am sure they all deserve, thank you
15. aug. 2024

von der Praline ;-)
Hello, is there a big difference in the recipes between the first and second edition?
Svar fra webshop (15. aug. 2024)
Hi there, there is not. But the recipes have been optimised to improve the texture and to make it easier to create the chocolate bars. If you are asking this question because you have already bought the 1st edition, please be informed that you have automatically received the 2nd edition via email in June :-)
4. aug. 2024

This ebook is excellent, it is easy to follow. and the taste off the chocolate bars are so good. Thanks Tine
31. jul. 2024

Brilliant E-Book
Great e-book with really easy step by step guide to creating really tasty chocolate bars!
31. jul. 2024

This is such a great book! Very easy to follow instructions for how to decorate the bars (which are absolutely beautiful!) and excellent recipes! I absolutely love this book and can’t recommend it enough.
5. maj. 2024

Perfect e-book
Great recipes, step-by-step instructions easy to follow. Definitely worth buying.
2. maj. 2024

Better than the originals
I tested all of the recepies of this ebook. The recipes are easy to follow, step by step, using "normal" ingredients and the results are great: Everybody who tested my new bars loves them more than the originals :)
1. maj. 2024

clive hollyoak
brilliant,, full of info ,,,,if your serious about chocolate ,this is the book for you
1. maj. 2024

Chocolate bar book
I want to thank you for this book it was amazing, I really love it , I hope I will try another one soon
1. maj. 2024

Gregor Skalicky
Best one
24. apr. 2024

rosalyn hunt
So good!
This is an excellent book containing great recipes, really looking forward to trying them all!
25. jan. 2024

Loved the e-book
I purchased one of the bars book and loved it so much, I’m thinking about which e-book to buy next. The e-book is easy to follow and the instructions are crystal clear. As well as I asked Mrs Tina a question regarding the ingredients and she answered me with a precise answer and took the time to answer my enquiry, which is very much appreciated. Wish Mrs Tina all the best.
20. jan. 2024

Good but not tried all the recipes
Still to try all the recipes but very clear instructions
20. jan. 2024

Inge de Wit
Very nice book
Bought this book a few months ago. Allready made all the recipes. Very clear explanation. Love the recipe for Bounty!
20. jan. 2024

Daniel Biernaux
Un régal pour les yeux et les papilles : Découvrez les livres électroniques de Tine Forst
Tine Forst, passionnée de chocolat depuis de nombreuses années, partage son savoir-faire et sa passion pour le chocolat à travers ses livres électroniques détaillés et pratiques. Que vous soyez un débutant en matière de fabrication de bonbons au chocolat ou un chocolatier expérimenté souhaitant perfectionner vos techniques, les e-books de Tine Forst sont une véritable mine d'or d'informations et de conseils avisés.

Des recettes gourmandes et originales

Dans ses e-books, Tine Forst vous propose une multitude de recettes de ganaches, pralinés et autres garnitures pour vos bonbons au chocolat. Chaque recette est soigneusement élaborée pour garantir un équilibre parfait des saveurs et une texture irrésistible.

Des techniques de fabrication détaillées

Tine Forst vous guide pas à pas à travers les différentes étapes de la fabrication de bonbons au chocolat, depuis le temperage du chocolat jusqu'à la décoration finale. Elle vous explique avec précision les techniques à utiliser pour obtenir des résultats professionnels, même si vous êtes un débutant.

Des designs somptueux et faciles à réaliser

Les e-books de Tine Forst vous proposent des techniques de décoration créatives et accessibles à tous, même sans airbrush. Grâce à ses tutoriels détaillés, vous apprendrez à réaliser des designs élégants et raffinés qui feront sensation auprès de vos proches.

Un investissement rentable pour les amateurs de chocolat

Les e-books de Tine Forst représentent un investissement rentable pour tous les amateurs de chocolat qui souhaitent perfectionner leurs techniques et créer de véritables œuvres d'art gourmandes.

Que vous soyez un débutant ou un chocolatier expérimenté, je vous recommande vivement d'acquérir les e-books de Tine Forst. Vous y trouverez des informations précieuses, des recettes savoureuses et des techniques de décoration faciles à suivre qui vous permettront de réaliser de magnifiques bonbons au chocolat.
16. jan. 2024

Kathy Para
Worth every penny!
Definitely a useful book of recipes. Detailed explanations, and good creative direction. Recipes choices are fun and easy to follow. No issues with English translation which is helpful.
16. jan. 2024

Zuzana Grofova
Chocolate Bars
This e-books is perfect for all beginners. Clear instructions, easy to follow and simple recipes. Eventhough I am a big fan of all of these Bars I´ve turned them into moulded pralines. It was quite hard to get the nougatine into the moulds sometimes but it was my choice. I love them all!
16. jan. 2024

Jannie Jacobsen
Do it yourself
I love this book. The explanations are easy to follow and it is just so much more fun to be able to make all the known chokolatebars yourself.
21. okt. 2023

Aaron H
Perfect instruction, AMAZING recipes
I have a variety of recipe books from several people in the chocolate world and I have to say Tine’s are some of the most thorough with the best information. Not to mention this one with all the recipes on how to make the BEST versions of some of your favorite chocolate bars. One of the things for me that make these the best is that the ratios of ingredients and moisture content of all the recipes make the products in her recipes shelf stable so you won’t make anyone sick or have any food safety concerns. This is a big thing overlooked in the chocolate making recipe world in my opinion. Definitely recommend giving it a go, you won’t regret it!
21. okt. 2023

Great, helpful, tasty and clear!
This ebook is super nice. I had already tried to recreate some original bars and this book really helped. It has clear and helpful explanations, the designs are a lot of fun and the recipes are super tasty. It was great help in my search on how to create the bars.
19. okt. 2023

Great Resource
If you like chocolate bars, this is a great resource. I have tried most of them and they are easy to follow and turned out great!
19. okt. 2023

Great Resource
If you like chocolate bars, this is a great resource. I have tried most of them and they are easy to follow and turned out great!
18. okt. 2023

Very easy to do it yourself
Do you like bars, like Mars, Twix and,or Snickers? Younreally should have these recipes of Tine and you can make them yourself drom nog. Recipes are very clear and easy to do.
18. okt. 2023

Love it
If you are a bar lover this is the book for you. I tested all recipes and they are better than the original. My favourite is the Mars recipe. It is absolut perfect.
18. okt. 2023

Excellent resource
I love this book! The recipes are easy to follow and are absolutely delicious! The Twix one is a firm favourite of mine and my family. I make them a couple times a month 😂 excellent book and I look forward to getting more.
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