Hjælp til dig til at lykkes med at lave fyldte chokolader

Sådan dekorerer du fyldte chokolader uden airbrush

NO AIRBRUSH NEEDED - beautiful designs (engelsk version)

150,00 kr.
21 anmeldelser
Varenummer: 008


Lær at dekorere chokolader, der mere end matcher de professionelles

Umiddelbart efter dit køb modtager du en e-mail med et link til at downloade e-bogen NO AIRBRUSH NEEDED - beautiful designs.

Tøver du med at farve dine fyldte chokolader og chokoladebarer med farvet kakaosmør, fordi du tænker, at det er svært at lave smukke designs, eller fordi du ikke har en airbrush?

Men vil du samtidig virkelig gerne i gang med at kreere elegante og imponerende chokoladedesigns?

Jeg forstår godt, at ikke alle er klar til at investere i en airbrush. Det kan der være mange gode grunde til. Og jeg tænker, at det er netop derfor, du har fundet vej hertil i dag: Du er ivrig efter at skabe smukke fyldte chokolader uden en airbrush, og jeg er her for at hjælpe dig til at opnå netop det.

Min e-bog NO AIRBRUSH NEEDED - beautiful designs er skabt for at guide chokoladeelskere på alle niveauer til at dekorere chokolader på imponerende vis med farvet kakaosmør ved hjælp af teknikker, der ikke kræver en airbrush.

Hvad er inkluderet:

·        Trin-for-trin vejledninger: Detaljerede instruktioner for hvert af de seks designs: Marble, Leopard Bar, Water Colour, Swirly Blue, Purple Stripes og Glitter, alle med trin-for-trin fotos.

·        Professionelle tips: For hvert design får du råd om valg af de perfekte farver, chokoladetyper og forme, der sikrer dig optimale betingelser for at skabe smukke dekorerede chokolader.

·        Temperaturtips: Råd om hvordan du kontrollerer temperaturen på dine forme for at opnå de bedste resultater.

Hvad kan du forvente:

·        Forbedring af dine dekorationsevner: Bliv mester i at skabe imponerende chokoladedesigns uden en airbrush.

·        Unikke udtryk: Skab chokolader, der imponerer og skiller sig ud.

·        Sikkerhed i processen: Føl dig sikker på - gennem hele dekorationsprocessen - at du udfører hvert trin korrekt, så det bliver en fornøjelse at skabe små kunstværker af chokolade.


E-bogen NO AIRBRUSH NEEDED - beautiful designs giver detaljerede instruktioner til, hvordan du skaber hvert design uden brug af airbrush. Den indeholder ikke instruktioner til temperering af farvet kakaosmør og chokolade. Du kan dog finde omfattende tempereringsinstruktioner i min tidligere e-bog, FYLDTE CHOKOLADER - en praktisk guide, eller en helt enkel guide på Chokoladebloggen.

E-bogen er tilgængelig i PDF-format, ideel til visning på enheder som smartphones, tablets og bærbare computere, eller til udskrivning derhjemme på A4-papir.

Antal sider: 24.


Denne e-bog giver dig trin-for-trin instruktioner til at skabe seks imponerende chokoladedesigns - helt uden brug af airbrush. Fra Marmor til Glitter, er disse designs både smukke og mulige at lave, uanset dit niveau.

Jeg har brugt meget tid på at udvikle og perfektionere disse teknikker, og med min omfattende erfaring inden for chokolade og udfærdigelse af trin-for-trin beskrivelser for dekoration af chokolader har jeg sørget for, at hvert skridt er nemt at følge. Jeg er sikker på, at denne e-bog vil hjælpe dig med at løfte dine fyldte chokolader til et nyt niveau.

Og husk, der er ingen risiko for dig ved at købe e-bogen i dag. Hvis du ikke elsker NO AIRBRUSH NEEDED - beautiful designs, skal du bare kontakte mig inden for 7 dage, så refunderer jeg dine penge - uden spørgsmål.

Jeg er overbevist om, at denne e-bog vil inspirere dig til at lave smukke fyldte chokolader med nye designvarianter, og jeg glæder mig til at se dine smukke chokolader!


Føj til kurv

Marble design on pralines - this is how!Leopard design on chocolate bonbons - you can create this design without an airbrush!This is how you make beautiful water colour design on chocolate bonbonsGet directions for the most beautiful swirl design for pralinesMake beautiful chocolate bonbons without the use of an airbrushEasy glitter design for filled chocolates


Baseret på 21 anmeldelser
16. sep. 2024

I tried a version of the design on the cover, using purple/teal/white colors. It turned out great!

I have an airbrush, and while it’s fun, I don’t always want to commit to the setup/cleanup with every batch. This book highlights what you can do with brushes, adding new design ideas to the toolkit.

I highly recommend
1. sep. 2024

Mona Windl
No Airbrush Needed
This is a great resource. I am not ready to commit to am airbrush and this ebook provides numerous ways to create beautiful looking chocolates. Excellent photos and great step by step processes.
3. aug. 2024

Beautiful designs
The e-book has beautiful designs witch Tine explains step by step. Tine thanks for sharing.
22. maj. 2024

No airbrush needed
Fantastic book full of tips and straightforward advice
Lovely designs
I have an airbrush which I use but these designs are lovely and easy to follow with amazing results that are just magical on the eye
Thank you so much for this it’s really inspired me
4. maj. 2024

Highly recommend this ebook if you are looking to make stunning chocolate designs without the investment of an airbrush
3. maj. 2024

jennifer perpick
So clear, concise easy to follow. Your love for what you do comes through and your attention to making your e-books user friendly is amazing!
1. maj. 2024

Luz María
Ideal to improve your creations
I love all his books, this one is perfect for awakening your creativity and playing with colors and designs in your creations.
1. maj. 2024

Such great tips!
Loved this e-book! Tine adds so much value to the techniques given. Cannot wait for the next e-book with other cool ideas😊
1. maj. 2024

Very good book
A book with many good ideas and useful information.
24. apr. 2024

rosalyn hunt
So informative!
This book has given me the inspiration to play around with coloured cocoa butter!
3. mar. 2024


21. jan. 2024

Gorąco polecam ten e-Book
21. jan. 2024

Barbara Wingrove
no airbrush needed
A perfect guide for beginers and those with some skill. The guidance is easy to follow and really gives confidence to anyone wants to expand their skills with cocoabutter.
20. jan. 2024

Very good
I would highly recommend this book, especially to those that have done all the airbrush techniques and are looking for something new. It is very well written and photographed. Thank you for creating this book
20. jan. 2024

It's me
Beautiful and easy
Good instructions on beautiful/easy paintings without spraygun
20. jan. 2024

Your ebook is a true guide and inspiration to any enthusiast to learn about the art of chocolate making. I highly recommend it to everyone looking to learn or bring their talent to perfection.
18. jan. 2024

Useful Techniques
The instructions for each of the designs in this ebook are clear, easy to follow, and accompanied by step-by-step pictures. Not only are the designs excellent as they are, but learning the techniques for making them will give you the tools to create fun new designs of your own. I’ve had good results from combining marbling with leopard spots, for example. This ebook is a great way to expand your artistic skillset for making amazing bonbons!
17. jan. 2024

Mary Thompson
Very informative. Gives you all the information you need to make designs without expensive equipment. Information is clear. No guess work here!
22. okt. 2023

Olga Rubin
The book is wonderful and gives me the opportunity to change the atmosphere from all the terrible things that are now in my country - Israel.
Thank you
19. okt. 2023

Karen Chaney
Fabulous step by step instructions
This ebook, is a very informative guide to all you need to know too create wonderful designs, using every day equipment. Tine is a master at explanation, and walks you through every step of the process. The results that you get are as the pictures, and work perfectly everytime. If you are considering purchasing this ebook then dont hesitate.
18. sep. 2023

Great knowledge
This e book has everything you need to make beautiful and creative chocolates!! Very knowledgeable and easy to understand!!
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